Thursday, April 12, 2012

Book Haul /In my mail box #2

A bit late in the week but here is the last couple of books that I've gone out and brought.

This is just so I can have a full copy of the series as I got it out from the library the only problem is that my copy of Need is Hardback and my copy of Captivate is paper back and that is going to irritate me immensely. 

I've got the hard cover of this book and quite honestly? The cover in this picture does not do it justice. It is amazing in person. A book review will be going up shortly on this as I've already read it and LOVED it.

I have this in hardback. I haven't read it yet but I'm going to at some point. It sounds amazing. 

I've just started reading the above one and I've got to state here I have not read the Percy Jackson series. I decided this month was going to be "Egypt Month" as I spotted this when buying Cleopatra's Moon I went out and brought these two the following week. 


emaginette said...

First two covers were breathtaking. Wow.

Rebecca said...

Hiya, sorry this isn't related to you post but just to tell you that I've tagged you in the Liebster award on my blog! See the post about it here:

Unknown said...

This was such a highly effective visitor publish. As an ambitious writer, being rejected is always terrifying (yet so possible) result - if I ever posted my guide, of course. I appreciate Jill for discussing her issues, and I'm so grateful that she made the decision to look previous the denials and perform around them and get her guide out there. That was amazingly brave! Asylum looks fairly exciting, too, so I'll be maintaining an eye out for your evaluation.

Thanks for discussing, you two!

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